Tuesday 13 November 2012

Post 8 - Production Report

Report of  'Sugar Rush' production
How did the shoot go?
After our pre-production material was complete we set out with our filming equipment, shot lists, storyboard and our scripts. We took the items mentioned because they were essential for making a successful short film, the filming equipment was used because the camera was used to shoot the short film, the tripod was used to hold the camera in its designated place, and also the camera bag was used to carry spare tapes/batteries just in case they ran out whilst filming, the shot list and storyboard came in handy because we could get the most accurate shot sizes from our storyboard onto our camera by having them aside, and finally the script was needed because our two actors may have needed to quickly look over their lines/directions for the particular shot/scene. We were now ready to start, and after a second to set up we were able to film. Every time the shot changed we stopped filming so that we could edit them together later, and after every shot we captured our two actors would quickly look over their lines/Directions (if they had any) just to refresh themselves. Our two actors very rarely had to do this so it made the filming process much quicker than anticipated, it still took a while to film however because we had to do a few re-takes for a few shots because someone in the shot may have done something they were not supposed to do.

What problems do you encountered?
We had a fairly successful shoot, but on a few occasions we experienced a few problems, for example on a few occasions we would need to re-shoot a shot because something unexpected occurred, for example a person unexpectedly walking into our shot, or one of our actors messing up their lines slightly, or we just had to re-shoot a shot because we felt that we could do better than the last take. However a problem that did occur that we only realized after filming and during editing, once Danny answers his phone whilst filming the wind actually blocks the words that come out of his mouth at one point. 

How did you overcome the problems?
We overcame the problems mentioned by merely shooting the affected shot again. And in reply to the wind problem we did not realize this until editing, and so we just decided to leave it and make sure that this does not happen again.

How well did you work as a team?
I thought that we performed very well as a team. Before the task had started we got into groups and brainstormed, after this we assigned group roles. I was the script writer and director for the film, Charlie was the camera man and main editor (even though we all participated in editing our film), Ben was our actor and Danny was our other actor. Once it got to the actual filming stage we communicated well to create the short film, I took control of the storyboard and script and so I directed the two actors and told them what they should be doing and what they should be saying. 

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