Friday 23 November 2012

Post 11 - Targets

Overall the short film was a success, and we will probably work together in the main task seeing as we worked well together. However I feel that there is always room for improvement and so have set myself targets that I would like to reach within the main task, I will use the SMART principle to make myself targets for the next task.

I need to be specific in what I want to achieve in the next task. For example 'What exactly do I want to achieve in the next task?'. So in answer to that I want to be able to make the opening of an action film, complete with opening titles. I want to be able to continue to co-operate with my group mates, just as I did in the first task. I also want to develop an understanding about opening titles and the openings of films.

I want to be at certain points in the course at certain times, for example 'What do I want to achieve in a week?' In reply to this I want to make as much progress as possible in a week, with my two week timetable I calculate that I have 5 lessons over 2 to work on my blog, whilst the other 4 are allocated to the exam preparation. And so I would like to make considerable progress in each of these, by this I mean do a practice exam question every week, as well as trying to do as much blog work in and outside of my lessons.

I need to make achievable targets thats can be completed fairly easily, but not too easy because thats not much of a challenge. I would like to achieve a B grade overal in media, trying to get in the top two bands for both the exam and the coursework. Personally I do not think that achieving a B grade is out of the question, I think that it is achievable. To achieve this target I will need to remain focused throughout the main task and work to the best of my ability.

I too need to be realistic about what I want to achieve in this main task, For example 'What would be seen as a 'sucess' in the main task?'. In reply to this I have already accepted that my opening sequence may not be the best as I have very little/no experience in making opening sequences, but I would like to make a fairly decent opening sequence with my group members.

I need to think about 'How long it will take to do all of the pre-production, filming, and post-production?'. And so in answer to that I think that this should all be done by the start of May at the latest. This all needs to be done by them to allow time for preparation for the exam. We should start the filming segment of the main task by the end of January.

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