Thursday 6 December 2012

Main Task - Post 4 - Group meeting

We have held a group meeting and after evaluating our research we have come to the conclusion that we will stick with the action genre, seeing as majority of our random people said that action was their favourite genre of film. We too brainstormed what we want our film to be about and also what the opening sequence will consist of.

Description of film
Dwain Jefferson (Danny Warwick), an undercover cop is on yet another case, the same mafia squad (Jack Cotton, Charlie Holden and Ben Howard) who killed his father and once held his mother captive have come back for his girlfriend, Dwain wants her back but all they want is the rest of the million dollar fortune left behind by Dwain's dad. The mafia squad torment Dwain to the max by eventually capturing several members of his family along with his girlfriend, but will they get him too?

Opening sequence description
The opening sequence will consist of the opening titles as well as Dwain in an office sobbing over the loss of his father, then we cut to the mafia squad playing poker whilst Dwain's girlfriend is captive, Dwain breaks in and then the title 'Poker Face' appears.

You may recognize similarities between our possible film and the film 'Taken' We all agreed that this film is what we were going for, we liked the idea of a set of people holding family members of an agent at their own will. Where in the film 'Taken' a group of foreigners kidnap Liam Neeson's daughter, we take a spin on it where a mafia squad kidnap an agents girlfriend. So I suppose the film 'Taken' influenced our ideas a fair bit.

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