Tuesday 4 December 2012

Main Task - Post 2 - Choosing your genre

Looking in the London metro newspaper on 6th December 2012 I noticed an article that showed the figures for the top grossing films in the UK ever. Seeing as me and my group were still undecided of what genre to choose for our opening sequence I looked at which genres performed best in the UK box office over the years. The top ten varied from Skyfall to Toy Story 3, Mamma Mia to Harry Potter, and also Avatar to Lord of the rings.
From reading this article I noticed that the new James Bond movie 'Skyfall' made a significant breakthrough considering to this day it has only been in theaters for a month or so it is officially the top grossing film in the UK ever to this day. So from this I know that 'Skyfall' is a very successful action film, whilst the second and third best were Avatar (Sci-Fi/Adventure) and Titanic (Romance) respectively. I notice that action films tend to be very popular amongst the British public, as I followed up my first research by looking at the top grossing films for 2012 on http://boxofficemojo.com/. This website gave me the figures for the top 100 grossing films in the UK for the past year. Shown on this website too, Skyfall dominates the table this year, but it was followed by The Dark Night Rises and also The Avengers (noticeably both action).  
As a group at the moment we are leaning over towards action because it seems to be very popular with people in the UK, especially in the past year, but we will conduct further research and ask various members of the public to fill out a short questionnaire that should in turn help us make our decision more clear.

So as a group we created a nice and short questionnaire that we hope would help us into deciding what genre of film to make our opening sequence about. Below is a sample of our questionnaire that has been filled out by one of our random people. The questions on the sheet varied from 'What is your favourite genre of film?' to 'How often do you go to the cinema?'. With questions like these we made sure that the questionnaire was short and to the point as well as being fairly easy for our random public to fill out.
Above is a questionnaire that I asked one of my neighbours to fill out, to categorize him I would place him as a middle-aged man. We as a group asked around about 30 different people of various ages in order to get the best possible results that would in turn help us decide and make the most appropriate opening film sequence. My neighbours response was what I had expected, due to the previous researches showing that action films were the most popular amongst the British public. The trend continued with the rest of the random people and we tallyed it up as a total and from the 37 people that we asked to fill out our questionnaire, 22 said that action was their favourite genre of film. The other possible genres to chose from varied but in second it was comedy.

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