Thursday 10 January 2013

Main Task - Post 4b - Narrative/Character research

Following our groups decision to do a film based on a secret agent and a mafia squad as the centred characters. I have researched what it takes to be as part of a mafia squad and to be a secret agent.
We have five people in our group and we have decided that we will switch roles so that we can all feature in the film. We will have 3 people in the mafia squad and one secret agent.

Secret agent

I have looked into what it takes to be a secret agent, after looking at various pictures I have noticed a correlation between them. A secret agent tends to look somewhat similar to the character of James Bond, a secret agent is mysterious, charming, yet dangerous. When it comes to Danny playing 'Dwain Jefferson' we want him to wear a full suit and go all out just like a James Bond figure.

Mafia squad
We looked into what it took to be an American gangster in a far greater amount of detail than the secret agent. The reasons being that there were more of us who had to play the roles involved. We want the main task to be realistic and so we looked to gain as much information from the internet and other sources, a link is below for steps on how to be a typical American gangster. Myself, Charlie and Ben need to dress convincingly for the main film, so even just by looking at the poster above from 'Gangster Squad' we can tell that we would require to wear a shirt, tie, trousers, and possibly braces and a top hat.
Click here for advice on how to dress like an American gangster

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